The NSW National Parks & Wildlife have been making progress on the landslip rectification works on the Elliott Way.
Motorists have been unable to use a section of the road after multiple landslips have made the road too dangerous to drive. It has affected through traffic from the Tumbarumba side through to Kiandra.
The actual landslip is just south of O’hares Campground on the Cabramurra side. O’hares Campground is still accessible from the Tumbarumba side. The road is closed from the Link Road intersection near Cabramurra to O’hares Campground, the closure easily identifiable on the website.
Works are ongoing seven days per week with the road set to reopen in approximately three months, suggesting an opening prior to winter 2023.

The NPWS have released an update of where works are currently situated.
Current status of road:
- The ‘make safe’ works have commenced with Rutledge Drilling mobilised to site on 20 February 2023.
- The make safe works aim to stabilise the crest to prevent further growth, secure the slip face, and enable safe access to the site from the roadway.
- Week 1 was establishing the site which involved setting up site fencing, staff facilities, rope access, and cutting in a platform above the slip site for landing equipment with the helicopter lifts.
- The drilling equipment and other materials were flown in on Saturday 25 February which allowed the drill rigs to be set up on Sunday, as well as installation of access track and stairs.
- During the week commencing 27 February, drilling of the top anchors were completed to allow the safety line to be established, a local arborist was on site to remove the dangerous trees in the immediate area upslope of the slip site, and manual clearing of rocks and woody debris from this area could be completed which allowed the drape mesh and catch fence to be set up.
- With the safe working platform above the slip site established, Rutledge Drilling will use rope access to manually scale and remove debris from the crest initially, and then continue to work down slope, progressively removing rocks and loose material whilst continuously placing the drop mesh over the exposed slope.
- Work will continue 7 days per week with 6 to 8 staff working on site each day. The works are expected to take around three months to complete.
- A further stakeholder update will be provided in early April.
A NPWS spokesperson said, “It is great to see some substantial progress on site and fingers crossed for favourable weather and site conditions to allow Rutledge Drilling to complete these works without significant delay.”
With the opening of Selwyn Snow Resort for winter 2023, visitors and residents travelling from the Tumbarumba area will be eager to see the road reopen for access from the Elliott Way.

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