The Snowy Trout Challenge started on Saturday October 31 with 430 tagged rainbow trout released across the Snowy Monaro region.
The Challenge runs until April 30, 2021 and there is no entry cost.
During summer there have been great fish caught, including the big cash prizes. But for Easter and April there are still prizes to be won.
Staff at Gaden Trout Hatchery have been busy tagging all the fish before releasing them into the local lakes.
The tagged trout will be very noticeable and anglers should look for the pink tag placed near the fin.
The fish have been released into these locations:
Lake Jindabyne - 172 fish released
Lake Eucumbene - 172 fish released
86 remaining fish distributed across
Lake Williams at Nimmitabel
Cooma Weir (Mittagang Road, a rock weir on the Murrumbidgee River -Bidgee Picnic Area)
Coolumbooka Weir at Bombal
Lake Crackenback Resort.
Should you catch a fish and want to claim the prize associated with that numbered fish, you will need to follow the details from the How to Claim Prize posted at top of
Snowy Trout Challenge Facebook page.