Numeralla Folk Festival!!
Come along to our annual FREE 3 day folk festival.
What do we offer?
~ Concerts
~ Poetry
~ Saturday night bush dance
~ Music Workshops
~ Blackboard concert / Open Mic
~ Sunday Morning Markets
~ Annual Raffle
The venue will be licensed and the bar will be open.
Support us by purchasing food, drinks, BBQ meals, raffle tickets.
All proceeds to be shared between local institutions such as the Digger Memorial Hall, Countegany & Peak View Bush Fire Brigade, Local Landcare Services, All Saints Catholic Church & St Johns Anglican Church.
The annual Numeralla Folk Festivalis held on the nearest weekend to Australia Day every January. A dedicated band of community volunteers ensure that the campgrounds and Hall are ready, the kitchen is ready to provide home-cooked meals and goodies, the bar is stocked, and the BBQ will be sizzling.
Numeralla takes great pride in being one of the last traditional festivals in Australia. There are no tickets and you don’t have to book – and the camping is completely free – just turn up! It’s a long weekend of music, dance, dips in the river, yarns around the campfire and convivial conversation.
Numeralla Folk Festival Facebook
Numeralla Folk Festival Website