Frank Prihoda reaches 100 years

Congratulations will be plentiful in Thredbo Village this Thursday when Frank Prihoda, Australia’s oldest living Olympian reaches the milestone of 100 years old.

Frank Prihoda turns 100 on Thursday July 8, 2021 and the day will be celebrated with an intimate affair in Frank’s beloved village where he has spent half of his life.

From his first day on July 8, 1921 in Prague Czechoslovakia, Frank has witnessed much in his life. From The Great Depression, World War II and leaving his homeland along with his sister Sasha and her husband Karel, all who eventually settled in Thredbo.

His father, a prosperous artificial flower manufacturer, often took the family on car trips into the countryside in his American Hudson. “Europe was in turmoil and I only came to realise it later in life… as a little child you do not grasp these things,” Frank explained.

Strapping on skis as a teenager, skiing would become a major part of Frank’s life including representing his new home country at the 1956 Winter Olympics.
In 1936 Frank began ski racing with the Czechoslovakian Ski Federation squad. “Just before the war…in 1937, I went for my first downhill race. All week it was sunny and of course, the day of the race a blizzard came and I wore glasses...I couldn’t see a thing, they got frozen. I had a mighty tumble and that was my first race.”

It wasn’t all lost, however, as this race was where Frank met one of Thredbo’s founders, Tony Sponar. A man with whom he remained lifelong friends and who influenced his road to Thredbo.
In 1937, Frank was taken away from his skiing following the sudden death of his father and subsequent death of his mother as he went on to run the family’s manufacturing business with his skis taking a backseat.

“Really since the age of 19, I was head of the business. I was pretending,” he says in jest. His pretending paid off, with the success of the business continuing through World War II.
Following the war, political changes began to occur in the country, and it was during this time, Frank believed his business success would be negatively impacted by the country’s move into a People’s Republic.

“I was a manufacturer and an employer and, my father was an employer. We were deemed to be bourgeois. Bourgeois is the enemy of people like the working class….as such, I saw I had no future [in the country].”

He, alongside his brother-in-law, Karel Nekvapil decided to make their escape on skis.

In January 1949, a friend drove to the south of Czechoslovakia, reaching a wide frozen lake bordering Austria. Karel and Frank set out on cross-country skis “for an outing.” He recalls many armed guards in the area as they slid across the lake, explaining he eventually noticed a herd of deer which indicated a lack of militia and an opportunity to escape to the country beyond.

Arriving in Austria, his pathway to being recognised as a refugee was not an easy one, however, he and Karel were eventually able to join his sister Sasha Nekvapil and friend Tony Sponar in St Anton. Here they ran a ski tow powered by Frank’s jeep before making the move to a new life in Australia.

Thredbo legend Frank Prihoda at Thredbo. PHOTOS: Adam Kroenert / Thredbo Resort.

In 1950 Frank and his family boarded a ship to distant Australia, skis in tow. Speaking of the journey, Frank recalls “Well, I arrived in Melbourne on 9 March 1950. I boarded a ship in Genoa in Italy and sailed here. I knew there was snow in Australia so I brought my skis with me.”

He went on to explain his initial shock that his new homeland still used horses as a primary means of transport well into the 1950s. “I noticed watering troughs, we rode a little further and there were a couple of horses and people were still riding...even until 1957.”

On arrival to Australia, Frank began working in the manufacture of artificial flowers for the second time in his life before moving over to the furniture and textile trades. Never too far from his love of skiing, Frank took to the slopes during his second winter, making his way to Mt Buller and enjoying the social life of the Melbourne University Ski Club.

Frank quickly stood out on the slopes and within a few short years, he qualified for the 1956 Winter Olympics. Following his citizenship grant only a few months prior, Frank went on to represent Australia in Slalom and Giant Slalom events.

“I went to the Olympics in 1956…I remember standing on the Olympic run and the full experience was overwhelming because none of us [in the Australian team] were used to the atmosphere of big races.”

In true Frank fashion, he decided to take the opportunity to go beyond competing and made the decision to travel for six months, “I said I am going away. I am going to make it a proper trip…I flew around the world,” he explained.

In 1958 Frank became Chairman of the Race Committee of the Victorian Ski Association before moving to Thredbo to join his family in 1974. Frank’s sister and brother-in-law had opened the second lodge ever built in Thredbo, Sasha’s Lodge, which still stands stoically today under the name Black Bear Inn.

“To me, Thredbo is very special in as much as I knew about it before it was born. I was good friends with Tony Sponar and I knew he had this dream or desire to found a ski resort.”
A few years later, Frank was invited to open a gift shop in the small alpine village where he sold gifts to those visiting the snowy region for the next twenty-seven years. “In December 1974, I owned Frank’s Shop…which I closed when I turned 80 in 2001. 27 years is a good innings.”

In 2000, Frank took pride of place carrying the Olympic Torch in Thredbo, lighting the cauldron on the Village Green. More recently, Frank became a foundation member of the Thredbo Historical Society.

Memories on the mantlepiece at Frank's Thredbo home.

Frank’s love for skiing has never dwindled and he spent 46 years skiing Thredbo before hanging up his skis after the 2011 August Thredbo Master Race at age 90. Although no longer enjoying the slopes himself, Frank likes to hear about others’ days on the mountain.

“I, unfortunately, gave up skiing so, I say, tell me about your experience. Bad weather, good weather, snow, soft snow, hard snow, sticky snow... [those who appreciate it] are real mountain people. Go and tell me how it is now and…keep your best turn for me.”

Frank in the Thredbo Masters, his last ski race in 2011 on the World Cup run. PHOTO: Steve Cuff.

In 2020, a ski run was named after Frank to honour the man who continues to make such a profound impact on the community of Thredbo. Frank's Face sits alongside Sashas Schuss and Karels T-Bar and Sponars T-Bar in the Central Spur area, all named after people who were integral to Thredbo’s history and Frank’s life journey.

Currently still living in Thredbo, locals often see Frank driving his white Subaru around the village. 

“Having the Frank’s Face trail located between Karels T-Bar and Sashas Schuss gives me great pleasure and feels like family,” said Frank.

See Thredbo Video to celebrate Franks 100th Birthday
Read Frank's interview in Snowy Mountains Magazine July Edition Page 47