By Steve Cuff
A summer of hard work and years in the planning all came to fruition today when Perisher opened their new $4.2m Leichhardt Quad Chair.
In what was a marketer’s dream, heavy snowfalls in May and early June allowed for an early opening of not only Perisher Resort, but the Leichhardt Chair as well.
It was somewhat low key, and not too many people which was totally understandable considering it was two days prior to the June long weekend. But it sure was an enjoyable ride and did I mention the snow. There is one hell of a lot of snow and it would have surpassed the 2000 season except for a 2.5cm difference on the snow depth.
But back to the chair, you ride high here on the Doppelmayr quad, and the view is great and totally different to when you were dragged on the ground via the T-bar. You can see Front Valley and the loading areas on Mt P chairs, ideal for dodging lift lines.
And the verdict……!!! A big thumbs up not only for the new chair but for the resort staff and Doppelmayr to have it ready for what will be a massive June long weekend of skiing and snowboarding.
Most of Perisher’s hierarchy were in attendance and a few words were said by Perisher Chief Operating Officer, Peter Brulisauer, before the serious business of riding the chair and cutting some laps.
We all know the chair is not the longest in the world, but it serves a great purpose for all levels of snow enthusiasts.
Plus, more importantly it has increased capacity by 75% on the old “lovable” Leichhardt T-bar. There were a few reminiscing lift line stories of the now long forgotten T-bar days, but the chair is a winner, and everyone seemed suitably impressed.
It serves many options from Powder Ridge on stormy days, The Cleft will see more carving on its groomed piste, just like it did today, the Leichhardt Terrain Park will be a quick lap now and for the low end skiers finding their feet, a great cruise on the Snowy Trails.
Let’s just say it is not everyday you attend an opening of a chair lift, so the occasion was special, and it is now part of Perisher history.
Leichhardt will attract many a guest this season and for many years to come so swing by when you are next at Perisher and cut yourself a few laps.
Here is a small gallery of photos from today from Perisher and Snowy Mountains Magazine.
[gallery ids="32096,32094,32093,32092,32091,32090,32088,32087,32086,32085,32084,32083,32082"]